

***Season 4 has ended! Season 5 coming!***
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Season 4
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Season 1
Fantasy or reality, this is a place for you to heighten your arousal as a quean. This is a blog for women; it is NOT for denigrating or demeaning them. It is an attempt, however clumsy, to cater to a niche fetish. My goal is to provide a SAFE place for all types of quean to indulge her fantasies or reinforce her reality in a positive way. I want you to be exhilarated, excited, and sexually satisfied. If you see something here that makes you feel sad, threatened, or worse about yourself, please message me and I will do my best to fix it. If you are an openly anti-female, pro-misogyny, patriarchy, or MRA blog, you will be blocked and reported if you are violating bsdmlr's ToS (Yes, bdsmlr has terms against posts that "promote or depict physical harm or injury against any group or individual". Didn't know that? Then I suggest you read the ToS). This is not a safe place for you. Let's all be adults here...

Types of Cuckcake

Part 2. Find Part 1: “Types of Cuckquean” at cuckqueans-paradise.tumblr.com

Special thanks to danthomfrank (danthomfrank.tumblr.com) for the help. :)

Just as there are many types of cuckquean, there are many types of cuckcake. This fact may shed some light on why queans have so much trouble finding the perfect “unicorn”; not just any cake will do. Her motives and desires must align with the quean’s. These two women need to fit together like puzzle pieces, and finding a perfect match is difficult.

In its most reductive terms, the dynamic that drives the quean/cake relationship is the husband. The quean is married to him, but the cake is the one fucking him. So what motivates a cuckcake? It’s more than just a simple desire to help a quean out. She has her own long list of likes and dislikes that needs to be addressed for her to be engaged and satisfied with the relationship. What follows is an incomplete list of types of cake and the things that motivate them. Some of these types may overlap, but I tried to single out the different desires a cake may have. I also tried to pair each type with the type of quean they may be most compatible. Actual compatibility, of course, will depend on each woman in the relationship(see: “Types of Cuckquean” at cuckqueans-paradise.bdsmlr.com for descriptions of each type).

The casual:  A casual cake is aware of and sympathetic to a queans desires and makes herself available to her husband. Sex resembles a FFM threesome where the quean is not expected to participate (but wouldn’t be turned away if she did). She could be from a swinger group or a particularly open-minded friend. She may not be into humiliation (for most people not in the lifestyle, watching your husband get fucked before your eyes is humiliation enough). Perfect for: casual, poly, bi. Not compatible with: domme, cheating

The professional: Quite simply, a paid sex worker. She may be a one-off gift from the quean to her husband or she may be a person the quean calls on regularly. She may or may not play into the quean/cake dynamic. Perfect for: casual, compersive. Not compatible with: Romantic

The soft domme: Perhaps the “ideal” cake, she is the perfect pairing for the humiliation quean. She takes pleasure in fucking a married man in front of his wife, making her watch or listen. She may engage with the quean verbally, demeaning or bullying her; or physically by restraining her or forcing her to perform sex acts on her. Perfect for: Humiliation, Not compatible with: Domme

The hard domme: It’s not enough for her to control the quean, she works the husband as well. Having a married couple wrapped around her nimble fingers is a huge power rush- and a lot of responsibility. She takes the quean or her husband at her pleasure, using them as her personal sex toys. Perfect for: Humiliation. Not compatible with: domme.

The homewrecker: A dangerous type of cake, she gets her pleasure from cheating or otherwise having a relationship with a man while the quean has little or no knowledge of specific details. She may also be married and cheating on her husband. For her, the taboo of being in an adulterous relationship is the appeal and has little consideration for the quean. Perfect for: cheated, incompatible with: all others.

The pornstar: She loves an audience and loves being worshiped by an adoring sub wife. She may or may not humiliate the quean, but demands to be revered. She may want to be catered to and pampered by the quean before or after fucking her husband. Perfect for: casual, bisexual, compersive, humiliation, poly: incompatible with: cheated, Domme

The closet cake: Fantasizes about being a cake, but for whatever reason it’s not possible.  her fantasies may include sleeping with a specific friend’s husband or a random married man. Relies on hotwife, cheating, cuckquean, and cuckcake porn and fantasizes her partner belongs to another woman as they fuck. Seeks out closeted queans for roleplay. Perfect for: Closet quean

The girlfriend: She adores her queans husband and carries on a holistic relationship with him that extends beyond sex. They date, spending non-sexual time alone together and bonding over their shared interests. Advanced stages in the relationship could involve cohabitation and introducing him to friends/family as a boyfriend. Perfect for: poly, romantic. Incompatible with: casual, domme

The sub: She wants to be controlled during sex with a married couple. She may defer to just the quean or to both her and her husband. She is a sex toy to be used as they wish. Perfect for: Domme Incompatible with: cheated, humiliation

The discreet: She doesn’t want any contact with the quean. Dates with the husband are at her place or hotels and there is no interaction or overlap between her and the quean. Similar to the homewrecker, but without the allure of true adultery driving her. Perfect for: cheated, romantic. Incompatible with: Bisexual

The exhibitionist: Loves teasing her quean with explicit pictures and video. It might be pictures with him, in preparation for him, or just after he leaves. May also include facetime/Webcam recordings in real time as they fuck while the quean masturbates at home. She may or may not be in contact with the quean outside of these circumstances. Perfect for: humiliation, domme (who wants records), cheated, compersive. Incompatible with: Bisexual

The domestic: Perhaps an advanced form of the “girlfriend”, she prefers to come to the queans house and “infiltrate” her life. Acts as a close family friend while playing with her husband at every opportunity. She relishes being in the queans personal space, whether it’s a family cookout, fucking on her bed, or simply sharing the couch with her and her husband on movie night. Perfect for: Humiliation, Poly, Romantic. Incompatible with: Domme

The brat: Young cake who prefers older men or sugar daddies and doesn’t perceive his wife as a threat. If she has a domme streak, she may hold her youth or attractiveness over the quean or talk down on her for being old, washed up, etc. If she’s a little, she may see the quean as a mother figure. Perfect for: humiliation, compersive, Bisexual, Domme (if little) Incompatible with: Domme (if domme).

Why “cake”?
I wasn’t able to find much regarding the origin of the term cuckcake, so I’m only left with my supposition that it is a play on words: she is a treat or a novelty for the husband, like a cupcake; but a cuckcake, get it? Yeah that’s the best I got. Personally, I don’t think it’s a great term. Another, less clumsy synonym is vixen, though this term crosses over with hotwife. She may also refer to herself mistress.

Sources of cake
One of the most frustrating parts of being a quean is the lack of available women willing and able to be her cake, despite being surrounded by potential. This can be incredibly dispiriting when the quean has gone through the emotional hurdles of coming to terms with her desires and putting herself out there to a husband who may or may not truly understand what she wants. Once she comes out as a quean and is ready to fulfill what can be a lifelong fantasy, what should be a grand opening can quickly feel like a birthday party that no one came to. She and/or her husband start looking for cakes and quickly realize how scant the market is. The limitations may stem from cultural norms that marginalize casual sex and limit open discourse (U.S. pop culture portrays swingers as sleazy or predatory; pornographic actresses are largely blacklisted from Hollywood; women are still regularly slut-shamed), but they can also (rightly) stem from the quean herself. She has every right to decide if a lifelong friend or other close personal acquaintance is categorically off limits. She may say no to sex workers. She might just plain not like the woman from the bar who offers herself as a cake. A quean can deny anyone she wants, even when there’s not much to choose from (excepting, of course, the subset of queans who choose to have no say in the matter). That said, cakes do exist. Finding them just takes time and patience.

Finding a cake
The following are some examples of where potential cakes can be found. Always exercise good judgment and discretion, especially when dealing with strangers.

Personal: friends, coworkers.
PROS: convenient, familiar, appeal of seeing someone familiar in an intimate role.
CONS: could be disastrous for the friendship, difficult or impossible to broach the topic to close friends/family.

Non personal: bars, clubs, business trips or conventions, husband’s friends or coworkers
PROS: easier to initiate, no personal ties, spontaneous.
CONS: Limited to who is available at the moment, potential “stranger danger”, difficult to establish drug/disease free (DDF) status.

Arranged : Dating apps, forums, social media, strip clubs or escort services PROS: Easy to set up, relative anonymity (especially when traveling)
CONS: Could cost money, Definite stranger danger/safety concerns if using social media.

Cake looking for a quean?
keep putting yourself out there, and read my previous post “For the Cuckcake Curious”. Be nice until you get permission not to. :)

Thanks for reading! If I missed anything, please feel free to drop me a message at cuckqueans-paradise.tumblr.com, cuckqueans-paradise.bdsmlr.com, or cuckqueans-paradise.newtumbl.com. May your curiosity lead you to things you never imagined possible. :)

October 26, 2019

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